Sobre las imágenes
Portada del blog: Chute, en Norvège, du ballon de Rolier et Bezier La Ville d'Orléans (Edmond Morin, 1872)
Capítulo I: Light and window (M. W. Ridley, 1875)
Capítulo II: Homeless (E. Buckman, 1876)
Capítulo III: The cyclist in danger (Cunston, 1884)
Capítulo IV: Aromatopolium = Bemierk Strameren (anónimo, entre 1710 y 1756)
Capítulo V: Diverse maniere d'adornare i camini ed ogni altra parte degli edifizi (Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1769)
Capítulo VI: colección de cromos del Álbum "Nestlé" (1932)
Capítulo VII: A young man is shouting at a man playing the trombone at 2.30 in the morning, for waking him and his family up during the night (Robert Graves, 1834)
Capítulo VIII: La vaca, el toro y la ternera (Karel Dujardin, entre 1652 y 1660)
Capítulo IX: Vista de la escalera de palacio la noche del 7 (Francisco Pérez, entre 1801 y 1900)
Capítulo X: In a lady's bedchamber a young woman struggles as a man pulls her towards him clutching at her dress (W. Hogarth, 1736)
Capítulo XI: A man with a shovel attempting to hit a hair-dresser (who is also being attacked by a small dog); a maid-servant tries to restrain him; an extravagantly dressed woman looks on (M. Darly, 1778)
Capítulo XII: Russia: people carrying goods on sledges over the snow (Smith sculp, 1785)
Capítulo XIII: A watchful cat peering from the shadows (W. Giller, 1855)
Capítulo XIV: Cupid inspiring plants with Love, in a tropical landscape (F. Bartolozzi y H. Landseer, c.1812)
Capítulo XV: A young lady is being asked by a young man to join the other couples on the dance floor (S.S. Smith, 1800-1899)
Capítulo XVI: As a girl plays the piano and a boy plays the flute other couples dance to the music (c. 1830)
Capítulo XVII: A steam train is travelling across a viaduct at Nanterre with a road, a carriage and horses underneath. Engraving (Lemaitre)
Capítulo XVIII: Galope sostenido (Blas Ametller Rotllan, 1797)
Capítulo XIX: A young couple sit talking in a garden (C. Heath, 1830)
Capítulo XX: The guards in charge of a prisoner chained to the wall are talking to him (A.L. Romanet, 1765)
Capítulo XXI: Men fencing (Crispiaen van den Queborne, 1628)
Capítulo XXII: A marriage ceremony is conducted in a church with the couple holding hands and the guests looking on intently (autor desconocido)
Capítulo XXIII: Four boors round a barrel table smoking and drinking (J. Michel, c. 1779)
Capítulo XXV: A man reading a grimoire, grinning; next to him a hooded man, kneeling on the floor, is holding a torch: they are conjuring up demons (F. Basan, entre 1750-1790)
Capítulo XXVI: Men and women with telescopes, gyroscopes, a balloon, battle ships, and other forms of technology; representing the benefits of philosophy and science (E. Voysard, entre 1746-1812)
Capítulo XXVII: Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1973)
Capítulo XXVIII: Borrachos en una taberna (Georg Leopold Hertel y Johann Georg Hertel, entre 1720 y 1775)
Capítulo XXIX: A man plays the fiddle at a tavern table as another sings and others listen (J. Heudelot, finales del siglo XVIII)
Capítulo XXX: El buque submarino Peral (Antonio Caula y Cornejo, ¿1867?)
Capítulo XXXI: Schemnitz, Hungary (Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia): a silver mine and miners descending (T. Wallis, 1805)
Capítulo XXXII: Two boys sitting together, one holding a stick and looking at the picture book that his brother is holding (Robert Wallis)
Capítulo XXXIII: A silver mine in Potosí, Bolivia: cross-section and miners digging (ca. 1750)
Capítulo XXXIV: Three Dutch men drink and smoke round a barrel-table, behind man exits the room (P. C. Canot, siglo XVIII)
Capítulo XXXV: A man sits smoking at a table as a woman brings him drink ( L. Gaineau, 1785)
Capítulo XXXVI: A young woman, stepping out from a colonnade into a park with a fountain; representing evening (Francis Holl, 1848)
Capítulo XXXVII: A man climbing a coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) which stands by a banana plant (Musa sp.), in a waterside setting in Bombay, India (J. Shury, 1768)
Capítulo XXXVIII: Joyeux cyclistes : 6 personnages différents à bicyclette (¿entre 1890 y 1910?)
Capítulo XXXIX: Denbigh Hall Bridge carrying the London and Birmingham Railway at Bletchley, Buckinghamshire: soldiers on horseback ride under the bridge as a train passes overhead (W. Radclyffe, 1839)
Felices fiestas: Felicitaciones de Navidad. Felicitaciones de empresas
Sobre la edición: Alonso Quijano y los libros de caballerías (Gerard Van der Gucht, Johan Banck, 1766)
Sobre las imágenes: Alimento para el alma (Thomas Major, Adriaen Brouwer, 1747)